Channel: Key West Lou | My Life in Key West
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The Washington Post announced yesterday it is not endorsing a Presidential candidate. The first time in 36 years.

An act of pure cowardice. No balls. The Washington Post’s decision has to be called for what it is. A failure by perhaps the Nation’s leading newspaper to do its job. Nefarious. The newspaper literally bent over for Trump.

My impression is The Washington Post wanted to endorse Harris, but feared what Trump would do to the newspaper if he won. Not the same newspaper that stood up to Nixon.

A sick decision. We expect a newspaper of its stature to do the right thing all the time. Not to turn and run when confronted by a unique danger.

William Lewis is publisher and CEO of The Washington Post. He claims his newspaper was being “independent” by not endorsing. I say as I did initially, it is a sign one of the Nation’s great newspapers is a “coward.”

From this time, all the time.

I listened to some young men being interviewed on TV yesterday re who was their choice for President. The consensus of the young men was Donald Trump. Why? One reason offered was because he talked like them. They understood his toughness and assertiveness. They did not understand Harris’ policy issues.

God help the U.S. in future decades if this mentality will govern us, making our decisions. Even their own in everyday business decisions.

The young men looked like thugs and talked like thugs.

On October 25, 1962, a big deal confrontation took pace between the U.S. and Russia in the United Nations re the missiles Russia had planted on Cuba. 

I watched it live on TV back then. The whole country did. Russia’s conduct was an act of war. Confrontational. The missiles were aimed directly at Key West. 

U.S. Ambassador Adlai Stevenson demanded Soviet Ambassador Valerian Zorin confirm or deny the existence of the Soviet built missiles in Cuba.  Stevenson blew the Soviet Ambassador out and surprised the U.N. Council when he presented photographic evidence of the missile bases.

Democratic strategist James Carville was 80 yesterday. He ran Clinton’s political “war room.”

I watched Harris’ Houston rally last night on TV.

Harris has come a long way in a short time. She was a powerful political figure last night. Without question, a capable Presidential candidate. As Trump has receded, she has grown.

The rally was terrific! Not just Harris’ words of wisdom. She had Beyonce and Willie Nelson, as well as others, with her. Not performing. Rather in a supportive fashion.

The thrust had to do with abortion and women’s rights. Well organized. Especially the clips of women who have suffered because of negative abortion laws throughout the country. Hit home! Tearful on occasion.

“John Brown’s body lies a smoldering in his grave.”

During this time in 1859, John Brown was on trial in Virginia for his failed raid at Harpers Ferry. He was convicted and later hanged.

Key West has gone through several different industries over the years. As one ran its time, another replaced it.

In 1923, the 25 cigar making factories in Key West were producing 60 million cigars annually.

Tonight, the Fantasy Fest Parade. Some 60,000 plus will line Duval watching the Parade.  An exciting time!

I have always wondered where they sleep. There are not enough hotel/motel rooms in all of the Keys combined to accommodate the number. Many will sleep on the beach.

I close with prophetic words by Benjamin Franklin. Words that have serious application today.

On September 17, 1787, Benjamin Franklin was asked by Elizabeth Willing Powell a question: “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?”

Franklin’s response: “A republic, if you can keep it.”

We are at the cross roads. This Presidential election the test of time. A Trump victory initiates the failure of the U.S. as a republic. A Harris victory, we survived!

Enjoy your day!

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