A Citizens’ Complaint: “I miss the days of complaining about leaf blowers and wind chimes. Election season can’t end soon enough.”
A patient doing the wrong thing in a hospital can be a cause of death. On this day in 1856, a sailor was admitted to the Key West Marine Hospital 3 weeks earlier for tuberculosis. He died of yellow fever contracted during his 3 week hospital stay. “He would have recovered could he have restrained from committing some imprudences that were the real cause of his death.”
German submarines were relatively close to Key West shores during World War II. Some closer than others. On this day in 1942, the merchant vessel William C. Bryant was damaged 44 miles southwest of Key West by German submarine U-84.
A couple of political observations.
No question but that at some point Donald Trump will believe his image belongs on Mount Rushmore. One problem. Not much room on Mount Rushmore to place a head the size of Donald Trump’s.
The Republican Convention and Trump himself were fantastic to view. Interesting to say the least. The lies were repeated and made to sound truthful. The Republicans buying them and I fear many non-Republicans.
There is an excellent Opinion piece in today’s New York Times by David French. I suggest you read it. The article is titled “One of the Republican Convention’s Weirdest Lies.” The thrust of the piece is that the Republic Convention was centered around a fundamentally false premises: “That in our troubled time, Donald Trump would be a source of order and stability.”
French takes on each Trump claim, promise, lie and breaks it down factually.
An excellent work!
Moving on.
A respectful observation. It is popular today for women to shave their pubic hair. It has not always been so. Fifty-sixty years ago, a rarity.
Turns out the “activity” must be one that comes and goes. Hundreds of years ago for a period of four centuries, anyone entering Milan had to walk beneath “The Porta Tosa.” A bas relief of a woman shaving her public hair.
There is speculation as to the meaning/intent of the Porta. Ranged from an insult directed to Constantinople to the historic depiction of a woman startling oncoming soldiers into retreating.
Chernobyl was and still is a nuclear disaster. It occurred in 1986. The area still contaminated. Basically the only people residing near the area are those working to control the contamination. Their time strictly limited and measured.
The question has arisen as to how long could a person stand in Chernobyl without melting? Obviously, serious business.
If a person remained in an area of the heaviest radiation exposure, scientists believe maximum time guaranteeing death to be 5 hours, 37 minutes, 20 seconds. No recovery to be expected. The person would be dead.
Enjoy your Sunday!