Hurricane Beryl is already a Category 4. Winds 130 mph. And it has not reached the islands yet. It continues rushing through the Atlantic approaching the Caribbean. The Windward Islands appear to be in its path. Expected to hit the Windward Islands any time.
A spaghetti model still has Beryl brushing the southwest end of Cuba and breaking left towards Texas.
It is pouring again this morning. Question. Were the heavy thunderstorms of the past few days caused by Beryl? It’s far away, yet having turned into a powerful Category 4. Are its winds a cause of the heavy rainstorms Key West is experiencing?
Southern states are bold. They come up with the toughest and generally wrong laws.
Louisiana the latest.
Louisiana the first state to allow surgical castration. The law goes into effect August 1. It allows surgical castration of those found guilty of certain sex crimes. The procedure involves the surgical removal of the testicles or ovaries. The purpose of such is to stop the production of sex hormones.
Louisiana already had a law on the books allowing chemical castration – a procedure that uses drugs to quell the offender’s sex drive.
Louisiana does have a heart, however. If the offender refuses the surgery, he could receive an additional 3-5 years prison sentence without the possibility of parole.
I am confused. The law appears directed towards men. Women commit sex cries against the young. Why are they not charged somehow? Does the new law cover them?
Perhaps women were not considered. What’s good for the goose, is good for the gander. Is it considered cruel to remove a woman’s clitoris or remove the clitoris and sew up the labia so a woman would be incapable of performing the sex act? Was any form of surgical procedure punishment considered for women?
Plato was an ancient Greek philosopher. His life span 427 B.C. – 348 B.C. He was considered a “foundational thinker.” To me, “thinker” is sufficient.
Some of his quotes have been preserved by history prove my point: “Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything. / Democracy… a charming form of government, full of variety and disorder, and dispensing a sort of equality to equals and unequals alike.”
Additionally, “The greatest wealth is to live with little. / One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. / At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet. / Love is a serious mental disease. / The greatest wealth is to live content with little. / Courage is knowing what not to fear. / Necessity…..the mother of invention. / Better a little which is well done, than a great deal imperfectly. / Ignorance, the root stem of all evil. / The measure of a man is what he does with power.”
One of Key West’s popular tourist attractions is the Hemingway house. Special! Don’t miss it!
Many interesting things to see and learn. One is Hemingway’s cats. They are six toed. Unusual. Always a high point of any visit. I mention Hemingway’s six toed cats because of a six footed dog discovered in Wales.
Aerial is her name. She had been abandoned. A couple whose 16 year old pet had died a few days before, was made aware of Aerial’s existence. Aerial was 11 weeks old at the time.
They met her and “mated.” Love at first sight.
The couple gave her the name Aerial.
Besides the six legs, Aerial was born with 2 vulvas and only 1 kidney.
Aerial has had surgery to make her a four footed dog.
Aerial does everything. Walks, though tires sometimes. Swims in the sea, paddle boards, and is great with family and children.
The family and Ariel are happy.
An 8 am stop for me this morning at Select Physical Therapy. Kathy took care of me again.
No question, the therapy is helping me. I am in my fourth week. I can feel the difference.
Enjoy your day!